Our head and neck surgeons treat diseases and disorders that affect the ears, nose and throat, as well as the respiratory and upper alimentary systems.
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Commonly referred to as an “ear, nose and throat” or an "ENT surgeon", the technical name for this trained physician is an otolaryngologist. Our expert team covers everything from allergies or sinus problems to deformities and reconstructive surgery.
Conditions Treated
- Hearing loss, tinnitus and balance disorders, ear diseases
- Sinus disease, nasal airway obstruction, nose bleeds
- Tonsil and adenoid disease, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
- Voice disorders, throat disorders
- Abnormal growths of the head and neck including thyroid and salivary gland tumors
Audiology Services
- Comprehensive diagnostic hearing evaluations for both adult and pediatric patients of all ages
- Immittance audiometry (middle ear assessment)
Convenient Locations
At Bronson, we are dedicated to providing healthcare services where you need them. If this location does not match your healthcare needs, please refer to our other Bronson otolaryngology location in Battle Creek: