Our rheumatologists are trained to detect the cause of swelling and pain associated with the diseases of joints, muscles and tendons.
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When persistent muscle and joint pain interferes with your work or daily activities for an extended period of time it may be time to consult our rheumatology experts.
Our team is exceptionally trained to detect the cause of swelling and pain associated with the diseases of joints, muscles, bones and tendons, so proper diagnosis can be made early. We will develop a personalized plan that may include education, prevention techniques, coping mechanisms and behavioral therapy to help improve your quality of life.
Conditions We Treat
- Joint pain and swelling
- Back pain
- Arthritis
- Muscle strain
- Osteoarthritis
- Gout
- Lupus
- Osteoporosis
- Tendonitis
Support Services
We offer a convenient on-site draw station for labs, as well as X-ray services.